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Obligation – hur fungerar obligationer? - Björn Lundén

Genom att emittera Gröna obligationer kan vi öka medvetenheten och intresset för hållbara investeringar i kommunen och samtidigt inspirera investerare att placera sina pengar i hållbara projekt. En obligation (af latin obligare: forpligte) er et gældsbrev.. Oftest anvendes begrebet obligation for et af flere homogene gældsbreve (massegældsbreve). Obligationer er ofte omsætbare ihændehaverpapirer, dvs. at låntager (obligationsudstederen) ikke har indflydelse på, hvem långiverne (obligationsejerene) er, at obligationerne kan handles, og at den til enhver tid værende ejer af en 2021-04-14 · Obligation definition: If you have an obligation to do something, it is your duty to do that thing.


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Synonyms: burden, charge, commitment… Find the right word. SINCE 1828. GAMES BROWSE the fact that you are obliged to do something: [ + to infinitive ] If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to (= it is not necessary to) pay them any money. You have a legal obligation to (= the law says you must) ensure your child receives an education. 1. a moral or legal requirement; duty 2. the act of obligating or the state of being obligated 3.

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: something that you must do because it is morally right. See the full definition for obligation in the English Language Learners Dictionary.


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obligation to do something You are under no obligation to buy anything. under any/no obligation She did not feel under any obligation to tell him the truth. I don't want people coming to see me out of a sense of obligation. without obligation We will send you an estimate for the work without obligation (= you do not have to accept it). Obligation in Past. Obligation in past in much more simple: use only needed to or had to. Had to is most common.

Att ge ut obligationer är ett vanligt sätt för bland annat företag att finansiera sig på. Handla obligationer, premieobligationer, konvertibler och aktieindexobligationer hos oss.
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1300, obligacioun, "a binding pledge, commitment to fulfill a promise or meet conditions of a bargain," from Old French obligacion "obligation, duty, responsibility" (early 13c.) and directly from Latin obligationem (nominative obligatio) "an engaging or pledging," literally "a binding" (but rarely used in this sense), noun of action from past-participle stem of obligare "to Synonyms for obligation in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for obligation. 77 synonyms for obligation: duty, pressure, compulsion, task, job, duty, work, calling, business, charge, role, function, mission, province, assignment, pigeon.

something that you must do: 3.
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Investeringarna bidrar till Malmö stads arbete att på lokal nivå implementera de Globala målen och bidrar till att bekämpa klimatförändringar med fler tusen ton sparade utsläpp och en ökad generering av förnybar energi. Looking for online definition of obligation or what obligation stands for? obligation is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary Obligation. Trianon har emitterat obligationslån och här hittar du information om dessa.

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Obligation - DokuMera

noun. Obligation: something one must do because of prior agreement. Synonyms: burden, charge, commitment… Find the right word. 2019-07-06 obligation: 1 n the state of being obligated to do or pay something “he is under an obligation to finish the job” Types: show 6 types hide 6 types financial obligation , indebtedness , liability an obligation to pay money to another party limited liability the liability of a firm's … obligation. ob‧li‧ga‧tion /ˌɒbləˈgeɪʃənˌɑːb-/ noun [ countable, uncountable] 1 a legal or moral duty to do something obligation to do something I think companies should have a legal obligation to recycle their products at the ends of their lives. Obligation. A generic term for any type of legal duty or liability.

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Staten/företaget betalar  En obligation är ett räntebärande skuldebrev som bekräftar att innehavaren har lånat ut pengar till exempelvis en bank eller ett företag.

Minsta belopp att placera är normalt minst 100 000 kronor, men ofta ännu högre. Att ge ut obligationer är ett vanligt sätt för bland annat företag att finansiera sig på. Handla obligationer, premieobligationer, konvertibler och aktieindexobligationer hos oss.